Aureus Institute provides Comprehensive Heart Care for all age groups and all types. The Aureus Hospital is one of the leading Cardiac Surgery institute in Nagpur. Besides being the pioneers we continuously strive to excel and offer patients a wide variety of specialized surgeries.
Our mortality for isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, including that for emergency cases, has been very low and is comparable to the leading centers within the Central India.
From preventive heart care to non-invasive to the most complex procedures and surgeries, The Cardiology Department provides the best of services in terms of accurate diagnosis and professional treatment. The experienced doctors specialized in cardiac by-pass surgery, minimally invasive surgery, interventional cardiology and non-invasive cardiology. We also provide ambulatory systems for emergencies along with non-invasive image processing, echocardiography, stress tests, cardiovascular CT’s & others.
Our vascular and endovascular surgeons treat blood vessel and lymphatic system conditions (vascular diseases) fully to restore to maximum health and well-being. Our experience and expertise coupled with our team approach and research prowess enable us to deliver successful treatments.
We provide the following facilities:
• Angiography
• Angioplasty (PTCA-Stent)
• Bypass Surgery
• Pacemaker Insertion
• IVC Filter Insertion
• Heart Failure Clinic
• Heart Valve Problems