Monthly Archives: October 2020

Of Smiles and Satisfaction

By |2021-01-08T20:44:32+05:30October 20th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Of Smiles and Satisfaction #TogetherWeShallWin Be it a surgery, or a simple procedure, or a regular follow-up, or palliative care; or just a simple chat with our patients- our Doctors always keep their cool and give their 100%. At times, they go the extra mile for patient satisfaction. Team Aureus has been at the front-line

The Right Diagnostics for Covid-19 patients!

By |2020-10-18T23:07:35+05:30October 18th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Like for any other patients, for Covid-19 patients too, right diagnostics and assessment are very important. At Aureus Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur, with all kinds of safety precautions, patients undergo different types of scans and pathology tests as prescribed by the doctors. The #Covid-19 OPD at Aureus has been active since more than 45 days now;

#TogetherWeShallWin the fight against #Covid19

By |2020-10-06T11:58:08+05:30October 6th, 2020|Events, News, Uncategorized|

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.Ever since our hospital got converted to a dedicated Covid Care facility, our entire team of Doctors, Healthcare workers and Admin staff have been working tirelessly 24 x 7 to ensure all #Covid patients get the best of treatment and care.These are difficult times.Lot of Covid-19 patients need emergency

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