In the series of health checkup camps that Aureus Hospital has been organising, one more addition! ✅✅

This recently held held checkup Camp at Mohadi (Dist. Bhandara) 👆👆was a grand success with as many as 126 patients taking advantage of the event. Thanks to everyone who visited, to the team of doctors, and to the entire team Aureus! We wish everyone the best of health always! 😊✨


#aureusHospitalNagpur #healthcamp #healthcheckup #aureusnagpur #hospitalinNagpur


Connect with us on 0712-2820300 / 2820311 / 2820322

Or visit: Aureus Institute of Medical Sciences Near Medical Sqaure, Wanjari Nagar, Nagpur

#Aureus #Multispeciality #Hospital #Nagpur